Resilience Training at Goldman Sachs and Google

Resilience Training at Goldman Sachs and Google
Case Code: HROB264
Case Length: 6 Pages
Period: 2008-2022
Pub Date: 2024
Teaching Note: Available
Price: Rs.300
Organization: Goldman Sachs Group Inc.
Industry: Financial Services
Countries: United States
Themes: Training & Development
Resilience Training at Goldman Sachs and Google
Abstract Case Intro 1 Case Intro 2 Excerpts

Goldman Sachs

Goldman Sachs, founded in 1869, was among the world’s largest investment banking enterprises. The sub-prime mortgage crisis of 2008 impacted the global economy adversely. Several renowned investment banks fell into a crisis and many of them went bankrupt. Goldman Sachs, headquartered in New York City, was among the investment banks hugely impacted by the 2008 crisis. It was revived after it received US$ 12.8 billion from an AIG bailout and was thus rescued through government funds.

Though Goldman Sachs turned profitable in a few years, it came in for severe criticism for its role in the sub-prime crisis and the fact that its revival was funded by the government, while several others like Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns went bankrupt.

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