Knowledge Management Initiatives at IBM

Case Code: ITSY062 Case Length: 20 Pages Period: 1994-2009 Pub Date: 2009 Teaching Note: Not Available |
Price: Rs.400 Organization: IBM Industry: Information Technology, Software Services Countries: USA Themes: IT Administration, E-governance, Public Sector Innovation |

Abstract Case Intro 1 Case Intro 2 Excerpts
In November 2007, US-based International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) was inducted into the Global Most Admired Knowledge Enterprises (MAKE) Hall of Fame.
A panel comprising executives from Global Fortune 500 companies and KM experts chose the winners of the 2007 MAKE awards. IBM was one of 21 winners; the others included Accenture, British Petroleum, Ernst & Young, General Electric, Hewlett Packard, Honda Motor, Sony, and McKinsey.
Commenting on the winners, Rory Chase, Managing Director of Teleos, which administers the MAKE program, said, "These organizations have been recognized as global leaders in effectively transforming enterprise knowledge into wealth creating ideas, products, and solutions. They are building portfolios of intellectual capital and intangible assets which will enable them to outperform their competitors now and in the future."
IBM had won the KMWorld Awards in 2005 too, in the KM Reality category. The winners were chosen from among 120 nominees by a panel comprising analysts, vendors, and employees of KMWorld magazine.
On choosing IBM, KMWorld reported, "In years past, we've recognized customers that have implemented a solution, but this time around we acknowledged a vendor for its internal knowledge management (KM) program, because in this particular case it has resulted in significant benefits to all its customers." IBM's KM initiatives date back to the early 1990s, when the company was reorganized under Louis Gerstner (Gerstner). He brought in several changes in the company, and at that time, the company started paying attention to KM. IBM used KM as a means to bring about transformation and turn the business around. The KM program in the company facilitated exchange of knowledge within the company among the different business units...
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