Will CropIn`s Data-Driven Technologies Help Feed the Farms of the Future? |
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The global population was expected to touch ten billion by 2050, leading to considerable pressure on the agriculture sector to double production. According to the market research firm, MarketsandMarkets , by 2023, the global smart agriculture market value was estimated to reach US$ 13.50 billion. Krishna said, “Technology and Data Driven approach will help ag-businesses become more efficient and respond to the challenges and opportunities of the future. Sooner or later all stakeholders in this ecosystem will need to take conscious steps to solve the larger challenges of food security, sustainability, traceability etc.” .. |
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CropIn faced numerous challenges in its journey to digitize agricultural data and ensure adoption of its digital platform. The three main challenges it faced were Adaptability, Mobility and Communication, and Cost Consciousness... |
CropIn used digital technologies to come out with innovative products such as SmartFarm, SmartRisk, mWarehouse, and SmartSales to cater to different levels of the agriculture ecosystem in the entire agricultural value chain.. |
The farm aggregators with whom CropIn worked had field officers who collected the field information and tagged the farmlands to ensure traceability using the mobile apps provided by CropIn. The entire data was stored in the database and retrieved to provide advice to the farmers on the right pesticides to be used and the right amount of fertilizers to be applied and to provide weather updates to combat the vagaries of nature... |
Ravi Kumar (Ravi), a farmer in Karahalli village, Nandi Hills, Bengaluru, grew tomatoes in his one acre farm. The tomato crops were interspersed with crops of chrysanthemums to improve the soil nutrient content. Ravi said, “I grow the flowers between two harvesting seasons to help retain soil nutrients.” Ravi used the ‘SmartFarm’ app to access customized information on his farmland based on the field’s.. |
CropIn’s vision of ‘Maximizing per Acre Value’ was in tune with the GoI’s vision of doubling farmers’ income in the agri-sector by 2022. The company entered into a partnership with the agricultural department of the Government of Karnataka in February 2019 to maximize the value of farmers’ crops in Karnataka. The project was to be implemented in 30 districts in Karnataka and it aimed to help 415 thousand farmers to digitize 340 thousand acres of agriculture land. By the year 2022, CropIn aimed to make an impact on over 20 million farms with the latest technological innovations... |
Exhibit I: Various Awards Won by CropIn Exhibit II: CropIn’s Investors and the Funds Invested from 2011 to 2018 Exhibit III: Details of the Clients of CropIn Exhibit IV: Vision, Mission, and Core Values of CropIn Exhibit V: Key Features/Benefits of SmartFarm Exhibit VI: Key Features/Benefits of SmartRisk Exhibit VII: Key Features/Benefits of mWarehouse Exhibit VIII:
Key Features/Benefits of SmartSales