The Greater Manchester Waste Development Authority – Challenges in Sustainable Waste Management

Case Code: OPER137 Case Length: 17 Pages Period: 2000-2018 Pub Date: 2019 Teaching Note: Available |
Price: Rs.500 Organization: Greater Manchester Waste Development Authority Industry: Waste Management Countries: United Kingdom Themes: - |

Abstract Case Intro 1 Case Intro 2 Excerpts
In 2017, England’s largest waste disposal authority, The Greater Manchester Waste Development Authority (the Authority), responsible for waste management and disposal of municipal waste in the Manchester area, took a sudden decision to break up its joint venture – VLGM – formed with Viridor Waste Management and John Laing. The decision brought into question the ambitious vision the authority had aspired to and the tall goals it had said it would achieve through the collaboration. "Our Aim is Zero waste" the mission of the Authority read, and it had pronounced several goals which included 90% diversion from landfill by 2015, 100% by 2025, and a reduction in residual household waste to 400 kg per household per year by 2025.
The Authority had documented an exhaustive framework of policies and objectives which rolled out several action points and the suggested appropriate modus operandi to achieve the goals. Minimizing waste through various innovative and alternative methods was at the center of all the objectives. Landfills were the greatest challenge which the Authority vowed to avoid completely through various innovative methods, economic innovations, lifestyle alterations, education and awareness programs, etc.
The objectives ranged from designing the waste prevention and reduction strategies to effective communication strategies, which would lead to the goals being achieved. Waste prevention was preferred to waste disposal, which prompted the authority to come up with various innovative initiatives like creating parallel markets for repair and refurbishing old furniture, creating circular economies, building waste hierarchies, creating a market for second-hand goods, raising creative campaigns for waste prevention, and introducing new shopping concepts like swap shops, etc. It introduced the concept of sustainable consumption and production into its sequence of actions, which brought the consumers and producers of various goods on a common platform in an attempt to understand and enhance the life cycle of the goods sold and purchased in the market...
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