India's Quest for Green Energy: Kamuthi Solar Project

Case Code: PROM015 Case Length: 08 pages Period: 2016 Pub Date: 2017 Teaching Note: Not Available |
Price: Rs.400 Organization: Adani Green Energy Industry: Renewable Energy Countries: India Themes: Project Management |

Abstract Case Intro 1 Case Intro 2 Excerpts
Background Note
The government of Tamil Nadu had launched a solar energy policy in 2012. The vision was to develop 3000 MW of solar energy by 2015. The policy called for development of 1,000 MW of utility-scale, rooftop, and renewable energy certificate (REC) projects. Some of the key objectives of the policy were to achieve energy security and attain grid parity by 2015. But by June 2015, the state was only able to execute 5% of the target; hence, there was a mounting sense of urgency, which expedited the signing of the MoU with Adani.
Though the Kamuthi project was completed within record time, it had to deal with its share of challenges. The project faced several logistical challenges owing to its remote location as well as the delays caused by unseasonal torrential rains...
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