From Sweatshops to Sustainability: Wal-Mart's Journey in Bangladesh

Case Code: SUST021 Case Length: 21 pages Period: 2011 - 2014 Pub Date: 2015 Teaching Note: Available |
Price: Rs.600 Organization: Wal-Mart Stores Inc. Industry: Garment Manufacturing Countries: Bangladesh Themes: Corporate Responsibility, Environmental Sustainability |

Abstract Case Intro 1 Case Intro 2 Excerpts
Walmart the largest company in the world by revenues as of 2014, operated on the philosophy of providing its consumers products at the lowest possible price. To achieve this, it procured goods from various parts of the world. The clothes were mostly procured from Bangladesh. Walmart and other global retailers were attracted to Bangladesh due to cheap labor and low production costs. They usually outsourced their production to some of the factories in the country. At that time they ensured that the producer and the factory complied with laws and have other facilities in place for workers, pertaining to timings, leave, overtime, etc...
The case is structured to achieve the following teaching objectives:
- Learn about the garment industry that exists in Bangladesh from where global apparel brands import the products; the poor working conditions in the sweatshops and the complex subcontracting system that exists, which exposes millions of workers to life threatening accidents
- Understand the business model of Walmart and how the company projected itself as a sustainable company through various sustainability initiatives
- Examine strategic CSR / Sustainability: How and why companies such as Walmart are increasingly addressing their social and environmental impacts at a core strategic and operational level
- Understand the challenges for Walmart in playing a major role in resolving the deep rooted problems of the garment industry in Bangladesh
- Consider the complexities involved in being a responsible corporate citizen while remaining accountable to the shareholders
- Assess the ability of large multinational companies to dictate government / state policies in developing countries
- Discuss what Walmart could have done differently if it did indeed do anything unethical in Bangladesh and what it should do now
Made in Bangladesh
The Complex Supply Chain
Factory Fire and Building Collapse
The Cracks in the Garment Sector
Sustainability Agenda: The Greening of Walmart
Walmart in Bangladesh
Who was Responsible?
WalMart, Bangladesh, Tazreen, Rana Plaza, Business Environment, Sweatshops, Business Ethics, MNCs, Developing Countries, Social Responsibility, Human Rights, Readymade Garment Industry
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