Apple`s Carbon Transition Initiatives-Is It Greenwash?

Apple`s Carbon Transition Initiatives-Is It Greenwash?
Case Code: BECG189
Case Length: 14 Pages
Period: 2019-2023
Pub Date: 2024
Teaching Note: Available
Price: Rs.400
Organization: Apple Inc.
Industry: Technology & Communications
Countries: -
Themes: Environmental Sustainability, Social Responsibility
Apple`s Carbon Transition Initiatives-Is It Greenwash?
Abstract Case Intro 1 Case Intro 2 Excerpts

The Need to Conserve Mangrove Forests

Mangrove forests represented a unique ecosystem found along the coastline of many countries. These ecosystems served as a boundary between the sea and land and supported a varied and rich biodiversity of crustaceans and fishes. They also served as a natural defense against tsunamis, erosion, storms, and high tides. The mangrove forests functioned as carbon sinks and helped in sequestering huge quantities of carbon in the soil, their roots, branches, and leaves. Coastal communities depended on the mangrove forests for their livelihood and these ecosystems played a vital role in their food security and in protecting them from natural calamities. UNESCO stated in July 2022 that in the previous 40 years, mangrove forest cover across the world had shrunk by half. These forests were disappearing at a faster rate than conventional forests. Audrey Azoulay, Director General, UNESCO, commented..

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