Illumina-Maintaining Growth Momentum in a Plateauing Genome Sequencing Market

Case Code: BSTR509 Case Length: 18 Pages Period: 1998-2016 Pub Date: 2017 Teaching Note: Available |
Price: Rs.600 Organization: Illumina Inc. Industry: Genome Sequencing Industry Countries: US, Europe, Global Themes: Business Strategy, Innovation |

Abstract Case Intro 1 Case Intro 2 Excerpts
The Success of Illumina
By 2008, Illumina was considered as the global market leader in DNA sequencing and array-based technologies. The key reason for the rapid rise of the company to becoming the market leader of the industry was attributed to Flatley’s leadership.
Flatley was generally considered to be one of the most effective CEOs in the life sciences industry. He built up the core values of the company, which included innovation, collaboration, and product focus. He was highly focused on strategy execution and overseeing the company’s expansion. Speaking about his role at Illumina, Flatley said, “I’m not at Illumina, frankly, for us to make a scientific breakthrough. I’m at Illumina for us to deliver great products and get them to the market as fast as we can.” ....
The Breakthrough that Changed the Market – HiSeq X Ten Sequencer
In 2014, Illumina made the greatest breakthrough in genome sequencing, when it launched a new device called the HiSeq X TEN (X10) that was capable of sequencing a genome for just US$ 1,000. At the time the X10 was launched in the market, it cost about US$ 5,000 to sequence the human genome using most other devices....
Meeting the Challenge of Competition
Though Ilumina saw the rise of several competitors over the years, none of them was able to effectively compete with the company....
Developing New Applications
Illumina strove to become not just a genomic instrument company, but a more diversified maker of genetic diagnostic tools that were utilized in clinics each day....
Moonshots of Illumina – Helix and Grail
In 2015-16, Illumina made moonshot forays into the areas of consumer genetics through a venture called ‘Helix’ and early cancer detection through a venture called ‘Grail’...
Market Saturation
As of 2016, Illumina was heavily involved in the arduous task of developing applications for its technologies.....
As of 2016, Illumina had a market cap of US$ 20 billion and was ranked by Forbes as one of the top 25 ‘Most Innovative Companies’ in the world... ..
Exhibit I: Information of Companies that Illumina Acquired During 2011-15
Exhibit II: Information about Entities Investing in Grail
Exhibit III: Illumina’s Key Financial Figures (in Billions of US$)
Exhibit IV:Illumina - Technology Platforms and their Applications
Exhibit V: Revenue Breakup of Illumina by Category and Geography, as of 2016
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