The Interbrew-AMBEV Merger Story

Case Code: BSTR137 Case Length: 20 Pages Period: 2002-2004 Pub Date: 2004 Teaching Note: Not Available |
Price: Rs.500 Organization: Interbrew, AmBev Industry: Brewery Countries: Brazil, Belgium Themes: Mergers Acquisition and Takeovers |

Abstract Case Intro 1 Case Intro 2 Excerpts
About Interbrew
Interbrew was founded in the 14th century as Den Hoorn, located on the outskirts of Brussels, Belgium. In 1717, following its acquisition by master brewer Sebastien Artois, Den Hoorn was renamed as Brasseries Artois. By the late 1980s, the company was the second largest brewing house in Belgium. To further consolidate its position in the market, in 1987, Brasseries Artois merged with Belgium's largest brewer, Brasseries Piedboeuf. This resulted in the creation of Interbrew. The two companies owned some key beer brands including Stella, Artois, Leffe, and Juniper. Soon, Interbrew started acquiring specialty breweries in Belgium, like Hoegaarde in 1989 and Belle-Vue in 1990.
The spate of acquisitions intensified in the 1990s with the company expanding rapidly across the world. It acquired over 30 breweries, of which the most high profile in terms of size included Labatt (Canada), Oriental Breweries (South Korea), Sun Interbrew (Russia and Ukraine), Bass Brewers (UK) Whitbread Beer Company (UK) and Beck & Company (Germany). In 2004, Interbrew acquired the Malaysian Lion Group (China) and Apatin Brewery (Serbia). The deal to acquire Germany's Speten Brewery (Gabriel Sedlmayr Spaten-Franziskaner Bräu KGaA) was expected to close in the fourth quarter of 2004. Interbrew's operations were dispersed across five regions - The Americas, Western Europe, Central & Eastern Europe and the Asia/Pacific. Two of the company's premium brands - Stella Artois and Beck's were globally recognized. While Stella had a significant presence in 16 countries, primarily Europe, Beck was marketed in around 120 countries. Interbrew also had two specialty brands - Hoegaarden5 and Leffe -- and several other brands were introduced in Belgium...
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