Managing COVID-19: The Odisha Model |
The case “Managing COVID-19: The Odisha Model” talks about the Government of Odisha’s (GoO) management of the crisis arising out of the COVID-19 pandemic. The case starts out with a look at the GoO management of earlier disasters and the lessons learnt which stood it in good stead during the COVID-19 crisis. Odisha’s crisis management model during the COVID-19 pandemic included use of IT, strict social distancing, setting up of exclusive COVID hospitals, ensuring community participation, and focusing on the livelihood of the people. All these measures helped the state to contain the spread of the virus. The case also talks about the challenges ahead for the Government such as inward migration, which might lead to a spike in COVID-19 positive cases in future.
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Issues |
The case is structured to achieve the following teaching objectives: |
- Understand the various facets of crisis management.
- Understand the issues and challenges involved in managing a crisis.
- Identify the strategies used in managing a crisis.
- Understand how to deal with a crisis and manage emergency situations effectively.
- Understand the role of communications in contingency situations.
Keywords |
Crisis Management; Disaster Management; Public Policy; Governance; Political Stability; Covid-19; Healthcare System; Containment; Pandemic; Flattening of the Curve; Quarantine; Contact Tracing; Infectious Diseases; Effective Communication; Community Participation; SHGs; Odisha; Economics and Politics |
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