Mitsui Adopts Collaboration Tools Offered by Microsoft
Case Code: ITSY113 Case Length: 9 Pages Period: 2016-2018 Pub Date: 2020 Teaching Note: Available |
Price: Rs.300 Organization : Mitsui & Co. Ltd Industry :General Business Countries : Japan Themes: Digital Transformation/ Collaboration/ Digital Strategy/Digital Ecosystem |

Abstract Case Intro 1 Case Intro 2 Excerpts
Medium-Term Management Plan
In the financial year ended March 2016, Mitsui recorded its first ever consolidated loss (¥83.4 billion) since 1947, which reflected large impairment losses arising from a worsening of Resources and Energy markets due to problems in the global commodities market.
Mitsui’s lack of flexibility in times of change and risk was on display during the global slump in commodity markets and it faced its first ever consolidated loss. Hence, establishing a profit base that would be flexible enough in times of change and risk became its priority...
The Digital Transformation
This Medium Term Management Plan called for a digital transformation of Mitsui, which needed an advanced IT infrastructure. According to the company, “In a business environment that is undergoing substantial changes..
Collaboration with Microsoft
Kosuke Ichinose of the Information Technology Promotion division’s Information and Communications Technology department stated that global interest in digital transformation grew swiftly around 2017. This global change forced the company to start thinking how IT infrastructure would be reshaped to follow digital transformation. And this was when Mitsui began looking into the introduction of a new IT infrastructure...
Introducing new IT Infrastructure
Mitsui was looking at new IT infrastructure that would support a variety of work-styles to replace its existing IT infrastructure that was built to support the conventional way of working. The new infrastructure, according to Ichinose, was based on “the concepts of ‘from on-premises to the cloud’ and ‘anywhere, any device,’ and we set our sights on a mechanism that simultaneously realizes usability and security.”..
Mitsui involved mid-level employees from all its divisions to understand the improvements that digital technology could bring, so as to save 20% of employees’ time by 2020. The employees gave several suggestions, one of which was about meeting efficiency enhancements. This called for elimination of paper from the meetings. All the employees were asked to carry laptops or tabs and avoid using paper at the meetings. After a meeting, all the employees were required to upload the discussion on SharePoint. Thus, all the employees who attended the meeting had access to all the meeting related material. This was also shared with their other colleagues as per requirement...
Exhibit I: 15 Headquarters Business Units and 3 Regional Business Units
Exhibit II: Microsoft 365
Exhibit III: Azure Active Directory
Exhibit IV: Microsoft Teams
Exhibit V: One Drive for Business Online and SharePoint
Exhibit VI: Yammer
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