OpenAI (2023): Purpose vs Profits

OpenAI (2023): Purpose vs Profits
Case Code: ITSY145
Case Length: 13 Pages
Period: 2018-2023
Pub Date: 2025
Teaching Note: Available
Price: Rs.400
Organization: OpenAI
Industry: Technology & Communications
Countries: United States
Themes: Artificial Intelligence, Technology Development, Business Models,Technology Strategy
OpenAI (2023): Purpose vs Profits
Abstract Case Intro 1 Case Intro 2 Excerpts


In September 2023, OpenAI’s CEO Sam Altman (Altman) was in deep thought at the conclusion of the US Senate Judiciary subcommittee hearing, “Oversight of AI: Legislating on Artificial Intelligence” organized by Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer. High-profile tech CEOs, civil society leaders, and over 60 senators participated in this hearing to look at the potential risks of AI and the adequacy of safeguards to protect individual privacy and ensure fair treatment. Discussions held behind closed doors did not allay Altman’s fears: “My worst fears are that we — the field, the technology, the industry - cause significant harm to the world. I think that can happen in a lot of different ways..

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