WeBank: Driving Financial Inclusion through Digital Technology

Case Code: ITSY143 Case Length: 15 Pages Period: Pub Date: 2024 Teaching Note: Available |
Price: Rs.400 Organization: WeBank Co., Ltd Industry: Financial Services Countries: China Themes: FinTech, Banks and Banking, Digital Strategy |

Abstract Case Intro 1 Case Intro 2 Excerpts
Founding of Webank
According to the World Bank’s Global Findex Database, about 54% of adults in developing economies had a bank account in 2014, up from 41% in 2011—but two billion adults remained unbanked in China. The sectors of the population with the lowest levels of financial access included women, rural households, small-scale farmers, livestock raisers, fishermen, migrant workers, the unemployed, and laid-off workers. Many small entrepreneurs, the rural poor, and migrant workers found it tough to access the credit they needed for their businesses or personal projects.
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