Blu-Ray and HD-DVD: The End Game

Blu-Ray and HD-DVD: The End Game
Case Code: BSTR287
Case Length: 14 Pages
Period: 2006-2008
Pub Date: 2008
Teaching Note: Not Available
Price: Rs.300
Organization: Sony Corporation, JVC
Industry: Consumer Electronics
Countries: USA, Europe and Japan
Themes: Innovation, Failure
Blu-Ray and HD-DVD: The End Game
Abstract Case Intro 1 Case Intro 2 Excerpts

Death by a Thousand Cuts

Toshiba had a headstart when it launched its HD DVD players (Refer Exhibit III for a photo of the Toshiba brand HD DVD player and Exhibit IV for HD DVD disks) in April 2006. The rival camp was able to launch their players only in June 2006. In mid-2006, Toshiba together with Microsoft, Universal Studios Home entertainment, Paramount Home Entertainment, Warner Home Video, HP, and Intel, formed the North American HD DVD Promotional Group (NAHPG). The Group unleashed a US$ 150 million communication campaign, called "The Look and Sound of Perfect"...

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