Blu-Ray and HD-DVD: The End Game

Blu-Ray and HD-DVD: The End Game
Case Code: BSTR287
Case Length: 14 Pages
Period: 2006-2008
Pub Date: 2008
Teaching Note: Not Available
Price: Rs.300
Organization: Sony Corporation, JVC
Industry: Consumer Electronics
Countries: USA, Europe and Japan
Themes: Innovation, Failure
Blu-Ray and HD-DVD: The End Game
Abstract Case Intro 1 Case Intro 2 Excerpts


Toshiba, a leading multinational electronics company, had spent millions of dollars in developing and marketing HD DVD, the next generation in optical disc technology. However, when the competing format, Blu-ray, gained a lead over the HD DVD, several of Toshiba's partners defected to the rival camp, forcing the company to abandon the format. The case traces some of the developments that led to Toshiba's failure to establish its HD DVD format as the industry standard.


The case is structured to achieve the following teaching objectives

  • Recognize the importance of strategic alliances in popularizing new technologies
  • Appreciate the significance of market forces in the adoption of new technologies
  • Analyze the prospects for physical disc formats in the face of competition from digital downloads
This case is meant for MBA/PGDBM students and is designed to be a part of their Business Strategy curriculum.



HD DVD, Toshiba, Blu-ray, Diffusion of technology, Digital download, Strategic Alliances, Format wars

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