Blu-Ray and HD-DVD: The End Game

Blu-Ray and HD-DVD: The End Game
Case Code: BSTR287
Case Length: 14 Pages
Period: 2006-2008
Pub Date: 2008
Teaching Note: Not Available
Price: Rs.300
Organization: Sony Corporation, JVC
Industry: Consumer Electronics
Countries: USA, Europe and Japan
Themes: Innovation, Failure
Blu-Ray and HD-DVD: The End Game
Abstract Case Intro 1 Case Intro 2 Excerpts


Will Toshiba Have The Last Laugh?

According to some analysts, Toshiba's withdrawal from the HD player market did not mean that Sony and its partners would have a smooth ride establishing Blu-ray as the next-generation format in the coming years. To start with, there were lingering issues of quality with respect to Blu-ray players. For example, according to a T3 review of Sony's entry-level Blu-ray player, the BDP S300, in February 2008, the player took a long time to read the content on the disks and also had problems playing some kinds of disks...


Soon after Toshiba made the announcement that it would stop production of HD DVD players, sales of Blu-ray players saw an increase. In the UK, online consumer electronics retailer,, reported a seven-fold increase in the sales of Blu-ray players on the very day the announcement was made. "People have been waiting a long time to move into the Hi-Def era and now they have the confidence that this is going to be the format," said Stuart Rowe (Rowe), chief operating officer,


Exhibit I: Toshiba's Product Portfolio
Exhibit II: A Comparison of the Features of Blu-Ray, HD DVD, DVD
Exhibit III: A Toshiba HD DVD Player
Exhibit IV: HD DVD Discs
Exhibit V: Toshiba's Financials
Exhibit VI: CD Album Sales between 2000 and 2007 in the US
Exhibit VII: A Photo of the Apple TV

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