Delta Airlines: Advancing Equity through Skills-First Talent Strategy and Internal Mobility

Delta Airlines: Advancing Equity through Skills-First Talent Strategy and Internal Mobility
Case Code: HROB260
Case Length: 7 Pages
Period: 2020-2024
Pub Date: 2024
Teaching Note: Available
Price: Rs.300
Organization: Delta Air Lines
Industry: Transport & Logistics
Countries: United States
Themes: Employee Development, Training & Development, Talent Management,Workplace Diversity
Delta Airlines: Advancing Equity through Skills-First Talent Strategy and Internal Mobility
Abstract Case Intro 1 Case Intro 2 Excerpts


‘Earn While You Learn’ Apprenticeship Program

Delta piloted an internal apprenticeship program which was centered on hiring, developing, and promoting workers with relevant experience and skills for open roles within the organization. “Delta’s Skills-First Apprenticeship Program was born out of the desire to create a pathway for frontline employees to transition into corporate roles. It’s a way of looking at our current workforce and doubling-down on our exceptionally talented hires and internal Delta expertise,” Jen Kleinrock (Kleinrock), Creative Project Manager & People Manager at Delta, said..

Delta Analytics Academy

Delta’s Analytics Academy (DAA) was available to its employees based in Atlanta, US. Through the DAA, the company aimed to meet the ever-increasing demand for using analytics in the operations and at the same time providing a diverse pipeline of individuals who could take up roles in this area. Despite the availability of data science specialists in the marketplace, the company was not able to meet that demand with its traditional recruiting strategies. Michelle McCrackin, senior manager of analytics learning and development at Delta Air Lines, first proposed a solution for an internal analytics training program in 2021..

The Results

By August 17, 2023, about 99 Delta employees had transitioned from frontline jobs like flight attendant, airport customer agent, and reservations specialist to corporate support careers in human data analytics, resources, finance, and other areas because of the company’s upskilling and internal mobility initiatives. Delta had set a target of staffing 25 percent of its corporate and management positions with employees from frontline roles and it had already exceeded that goal with 34 percent being staffed by such employees as of August 17, 2023..

Road Ahead

Delta made equity a key focus of its business. It applied a skills-first mindset that focused on capabilities, efficiencies, competencies, and relevant experiences, providing its frontline workers with the opportunities to transition into corporate career roles while at the same time providing them with targeted development initiatives and mentors who helped them grow and mature in their new positions. Delta’s exploration of non-traditional career paths added another milestone in its efforts to make sure the leadership across all levels reflected the company’s diverse workforce..


Exhibit I: Delta’s Six Focus Areas
Exhibit II: Delta’s Representative Group

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