Improving a Successful Performance Management System: Adobe`s Check-In Experience

Improving a Successful Performance Management System: Adobe`s Check-In Experience
Case Code: HROB273
Case Length: 13 Pages
Period: 2012-2024
Pub Date: 2025
Teaching Note: Available
Price: Rs.400
Organization: Adobe Inc.
Industry: Technology & Communications
Countries: United States
Themes: Performance Management, HR Automation HR Policy,Reporting & Dashboards
Improving a Successful Performance Management System: Adobe`s Check-In Experience
Abstract Case Intro 1 Case Intro 2 Excerpts


Adobe Inc., formerly Adobe Systems Incorporated, a US based multinational software solutions provider, made a shift in its approach to employee performance evaluations in December 2012. Moving away from traditional, yearly performance reviews known as stack ranking, Adobe introduced the Check-in model in 2012 through Donna Morris (Morris), then Senior Vice President of People Resources at Adobe. The Check-in model was less structured in approach than stack ranking but was a more agile and continuous method for assessing and supporting employee growth for all the 11,000 people working with Adobe across the world. This new approach helped create positive outcomes such as reduction in voluntary turnover and a boost in employee engagement. “It’s time to think radically differently, simplify our process and improve our impact. My view is that we need to transform from a once-a-year review to an ongoing process of feedback,” Morris said..

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