Given the criticality of case studies as a pedagogical tool in management education and research, a need was felt to publish a quarterly newsletter. A newsletter would be a window to the world of case writing, case learning and case teaching for both IBS faculty and external case method practitioners. |
After much deliberation, we decided to opt for an e-newsletter rather than a traditional newsletter. This was done considering the changing media consumption behavior of our target audience as well as for reasons of sustainability. We launched the e-newsletter named Just in! Caseon 5-Feb 2019, to commemorate the first World Case Teaching Day.It is in a fully digital format. The case method of teaching and learning has inspired millions of teachers and students alike and we are proud to be associated with this powerful pedagogical tool! |
Just in! Caseaddresses the long-felt gap in identifying the right cases for internal as well as external stakeholders. It also aims at increasing the popularity of case method of learning for working professionals. Professionals can now have quick and easy access to CRC’s huge repository of award-winning and best-selling case studies. They will also be exposed to cases which are culturally diverse and socially relevant. |
Just in! Case, Vol. 1, Issue 3, August 03, 2019 |
In August 2019 issue of Just in! Case, we cover information on our new and best-selling cases in Q1’FY20. In the Perspectives section, we speak to Jamie Rundle, an educator and academic at the Sheffield University Management School, UK, where he divides his time between teaching strategic management and researching dynamic organizational capabilities. Jamie shares his perspectives on why case method is popular in management education, teaching with cases, and what makes a good teaching case. This edition of Just in! Case also provides an overview on our new case compendium titled 'Chinese Tech Giants'. You can also know about our 'Marketing to Millennials: Insight Series' and get an overview of marketing Personal care products to millennials, the first report in this series. |
Just in! Case, Vol. 1, Issue 4, November 04, 2019 |
In November issue of Just in! Case, we present to you information on our new and best-selling cases in Q2’FY20. In the Perspectives section, we speak to Todd Bridgman, Associate Professor of Organisational Behaviour in the School of Management at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. Todd’s research interests lie at the intersection of management history, management education and critical management studies. The Dean of Case Research Center, Dr. Debapratim Purkayastha is the #1 bestselling case author for the fourth consecutive year out of more than 8,000 case authors worldwide. According to the UK-based, The Case Centre’s press release, “Debapratim Purkayastha makes it four years at the top of the bestselling case author tree. The ICFAI Business School Dean (Case Research Center) held on to his no.1 crown by selling over 21,000 copies in 2018/19.” This edition of Just in! Case also provides an overview on our new case compendium titled ‘Agritech: Shaping the Future of Agriculture’. |